Client Resources

The following resources are available for OARnet client contacts listed on the Gateway. New clients, please visit the Gateway section to learn how to register and update your contacts. Current clients please check with your Administrative Contact or Gateway Users to see if you are a listed contact.


The OARnet Gateway is an online resource for OARnet clients. Authorized users and editors can view bandwidth statistics and manage client contacts (per OARnet policy). Bandwidth statistics are available to OARnet clients with Internet, Internet2 and OnNet subscriptions.

Client Contacts

Reliable and up-to-date client contact information is imperative to OARnet's ability to resolve outages, keep your organization informed of scheduled maintenance events and enable your organization to request service changes. Client Contacts Clients maintain their contact information for their organization through the OARnet Gateway.


Review our policies on listed contacts, DNS requests, and contact role definitions.

Trouble Reporting, Status & Contacting OARnet

The OARnet Service Desk is available 24x7x365 to help you with your service. Providing OARnet with pertinent details enables OARnet to process your request or issue in a timely and efficient manner.


OARnet clients with Internet, Internet2 and OnNet subscriptions can access their bandwidth statistics through the Gateway. Higher Education clients can view their subscribed Content Delivery or non-subscribed Content Audit.

Monitoring Tools

View diagrams that display live data, such as utilization and maintenance on our network. These maps include non-service and service affecting maintenance and outages.


Review our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for general information or to help you with issues you may be having with outages, maintenance, IP ranges, bandwidth, DNS, the client Gateway, and more.

Service Center

The OARnet Service Center provides online access for clients to interact with our ticketing system and support services. The Service Center features the ability to open and comment on tickets, see updates, and submit trouble reports and requests.

Support Center (NOC)

The Support Center (NOC) is available 24x7x365 to help you with your service. Our staff works closely with OARnet’s network engineers, systems administrators, web developers and video experts to provide prompt, courteous resolutions to clients.

Service Specifications

Get details on Network Time Protocol (NTP), Domain Name System (DNS) and Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). Find server details, configurations and management options for both NTP and DNS. BGP information has community tags, peering routing views and ASN.

OARnet Application Resources

OARnet provides several online application resources for customers.