Press Releases

OSC Joined Local Activities for National Internet2 Day 
OSC participated in the first-ever National Internet2 Day on March 18.

 (Mar 18, 2004)

OSC participated in the first-ever National Internet2 Day on March 18. This nationwide virtual event consisted of nearly 40 leading research universities from across the country, including four major Ohio institutions: The Ohio State University, University of Toledo, Case Western Reserve University, and University of Cincinnati.

OCDE Conference Brings Howard Rheingold to Ohio 
Howard Rheingold, one of the world's foremost authorities on the social impact of the Internet and digital technologies, will be the keynote speaker at the Ohio Commons for Digital Education 2004 - The Convergence of

 (Jan 27, 2004)

Federal Spending Bill Funds Third Frontier Network Initiatives 
The fiscal year 2004 Consolidated Appropriations Act directs $5.1 million in federal funds to the Ohio Board of Regents

 (Jan 27, 2004)


Megaconference V Reaches Five Continents 
More than 1000 people from over 200 institutions in 27 countries on five continents dialed into the 5th Annual Megaconference on December 10th 2003, to participate in the world's largest simultaneous Internet videoconferencing event to test, discuss, and

 (Dec 10, 2003)

More than 1000 people from over 200 institutions in 27 countries on five continents dialed into the 5th Annual Megaconference on December 10th 2003, to participate in the world's largest simultaneous Internet videoconferencing event to test, discuss, and present applications of IP-based H.323 Videoconferencing.

San Diego Chosen as Third ITEC Location 
The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at UCSD has been selected by Internet2 as a national Internet2 Technology Evaluation Center (ITEC).

 (Jul 21, 2003)

Ohio Schools Become Founding Members of State's Third Frontier Network 
Ohio SchoolNet Commission and Ohio Department of Education have joined Third Frontier Network as founding members of nation's most advanced statewide fiber optic service

 (Jul 14, 2003)

Columbus, Ohio (July 14, 2003) - The Ohio SchoolNet Commission and the Ohio Department of Education have joined the Third Frontier Network as founding members of the nation’s most advanced statewide fiber optic service for education and research.

American Fiber Systems Signs Optical Network Agreement with OARnet 
Dark fiber provides ultimate broadband connectivity throughout greater Cleveland area, universities and research institutions

 (Mar 24, 2003)


For more information, contact:
American Fiber Systems, Inc.
John Marchaesi
585-340-5400 x130

Rochester, NY (March 24, 2003) - American Fiber Systems (AFS), a leading national provider of metropolitan fiber optic networks, today announced that it has signed a 20-year agreement with OARnet’s OSCnet for dark fiber services in Cleveland.

Cincinnati Education Research Fiber Loop to Connect with Ohio's Third Frontier Network 
The Third Frontier Network (TFN), along with the Cincinnati Education Research Fiber Loop (CERF), will help create the nation's most advanced research network.

 (Mar 19, 2003)

Columbus, Ohio (March 19, 2003) - The Third Frontier Network (TFN), along with the Cincinnati Education Research Fiber Loop (CERF), will help create the nation’s most advanced research network. Eventually, TFN and CERF will serve libraries, hospitals, cultural institutions, and corporate research communities.

OCDE 2004 Conference -- Call for Proposals 
The Ohio Commons for Digital Education partners - Ohio Learning Network, OhioLINK, and the Ohio Supercomputer Center - are seeking proposals for the Convergence of Libraries, Learning and Technology Conference, March 7- 9, 2004 in Columbus.

 (Mar 3, 2003)

The Ohio Commons for Digital Education partners - Ohio Learning Network, OhioLINK, and the Ohio Supercomputer Center - are seeking proposals for the Convergence of Libraries, Learning and Technology Conference, March 7- 9, 2004 in Columbus. OCDE 2004 will feature both submitted and invited papers, technical sessions, pre-conference workshops, and plenary presentations.

Papers for conference sessions and pre-conference workshops are soughtfor the following topics:

National Technology Agencies Host Joint Conference in Columbus 
Columbus is set to host a technology conference that for the first time will bring together five nationally recognized technology institutions that play a major role in the development and distribution of information

 (Apr 11, 2002)
